Household & Commercial Water Purifier
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Key Features
The Sanaky EHC Water Purifier is a versatile water purifier offering hot, cold, and normal water options through a six-stage filtration process. It removes impurities, provides convenience, and enhances water taste with added minerals. Promoting health and hygiene, it ensures access to clean and safe drinking water. Find the best deals at Green Dot Limited for a low-price purchase in Bangladesh.
The Sanaky EHC Water Purifier is a multifunctional water purifier that offers hot, cold, and normal water options. It is designed to provide clean and purified drinking water for various needs.
Filtration Stage: The Sanaky EHC Water Purifier utilizes a six-stage filtration process to purify the water. While the exact details of each stage may vary depending on the specific model, the stages typically include sediment filtration, activated carbon filtration, reverse osmosis, post-carbon filtration, mineralization, and disinfection.
Hot Water Function: The hot water feature involves heating the purified water to a high temperature, making it suitable for making hot beverages or instant meals.
Cold Water Function: The cold water function involves cooling the purified water to a refreshing temperature, providing a convenient source of cold drinking water.
Normal Water Function: The normal water function dispenses the purified water at room temperature, suitable for regular consumption.
Purification: The Sanaky-EHC effectively removes impurities, contaminants, and odors from the water, ensuring that you have access to clean and safe drinking water.
Convenience: The multifunctional capabilities of the Sanaky-EHC, offering hot, cold, and normal water options, provide convenience for various purposes and preferences.
Mineralization: The mineralization stage in the filtration process helps add essential minerals back into the purified water, enhancing its taste and providing potential health benefits.
Health and Hygiene: By purifying the water and eliminating potentially harmful substances, the Sanaky-EHC helps promote good health and hygiene for you and your family.
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