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Though many people lump "bottled water" into a single category, it is important to note that there are many different types of bottled water. Bottled water should not be generalized, and one should always read the label of any bottled water so you know what you are drinking.
The Code of Federal Regulations states that "Bottled water is water that is intended for human consumption and that is sealed in bottles or other containers with no added ingredients." The addition of anitmicrobial agents and flouride are exceptions.
The following are the basic definitions for different bottled water types, per the U.S. federal labeling requirements:
Bottled water from a municipal or community source must state on the label that it is "from a community water system" or "from a municipal source," unless it has been further treated by a purification or sterilization process.
Note: All of the above definitions are basic definitions and may be subject to additional requirements not listed in this article.
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