রিভার্স অসমোসিস ওয়াটার পিউরিফায়ার কি ?
রিভার্স অসমোসিস ওয়াটার পিউরিফায়ার কি ? রিভার্স অসমোসিস হচ্ছে এমন একটি পদ্ধতি যার মাধ্যমে তাপ ছাড়া পানিকে বিশুদ্ধ করে।

দিনে কতটুকু পানি পান করা উচিত ?
দিনে কতটুকু পানি পান করা উচিত? পানি, মানবদেহের জন্য একটি অপরিহার্য উপাদান। আমাদের শরীরের প্রায় ৬০% পানি দ্বারা গঠিত এব...

বাসায় ওয়াটার পিউরিফায়ার কেন প্রয়োজন: Heron ওয়াটার পিউরিফায়ার - আপনার সেরা সঙ্গী
পানির গুণগত মান আমাদের দৈনন্দিন জীবনে অপরিসীম প্রভাব ফেলে। বাসায় বিশুদ্ধ পানি নিশ্চিত করতে Heron ওয়াটার পিউরিফায়ার সেরা...

Water Softener Plant | ওয়াটার সফটেনার প্ল্যান্ট
Explore the Best Water Softener Plant in Bangladesh with very low cost. Green Dot Limited Offer the Best Water Treatment...

বর্তমান বাজারে সবচেয়ে ভালো ওয়াটার ফিল্টার কোনটি ? কোন পানির ফিল্টার সবচেয়ে ভালো ?
বর্তমান বাজারে সবচেয়ে ভালো ওয়াটার ফিল্টার কোনটি ? কোন পানির ফিল্টার সবচেয়ে ভালো ?

তীব্র গরমে কি কি করবেন ? আসুন আজকে আমরা জানি গরমে কি করবেন। সুস্থ থাকার কিছু প্রয়োজনীয় তথ্য

Elevate Your Lifestyle with Heron Elite Plus: The Best Water Purifier in Bangladesh
In the pursuit of a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle, the Heron Elite Plus RO Water Purifier emerges as a game-c...

What is the Difference Between a Roots Blower and a Turbo Blower
When a significant amount of air needs to be moved across a small pressure difference, root blowers are typically used....

What is a Roots Blower and How Does It Work?
Roots blowers are frequently utilized in situations where a sizable amount of air needs to be transported across a narro...

How Do I Choose the Right Roots Blower
Roots blowers are frequently utilized in situations where a sizable amount of air needs to be transported across a narro...

How Do I Choose the Right Air Blower
To remove dust from every crevice and crevice, homeowners and businesses employ inexpensive, efficient air blower device...

GT-65 Roots Air Blower Review in Bangladesh
Roots blowers are frequently utilized in situations where a sizable amount of air needs to be transported across a narro...

FRP Vessel Supplier in Bangladesh
FRP (Fibreglass Reinforced Plastic) is a modernized composite material used for vessels and tanks as well as other equip...

Why You Need Top Water Purifier and Filter For Home and Office
To thrive in life, one needs to drink pure water. Water purifiers are devices that may rid our water of pollutants, bact...

Best ETP Solution in Bangladesh
Industries typically employ Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP) to treat produced wastewater. Commonly, industrial water is...

Best Roots Blower in Bangladesh
Modern technology have been incorporated into Bangladesh's Roots Blower by us. Green Dot BD provides Bangladesh with hig...

For flexible water treatment applications in homes and small businesses, FRP Pressure Vessels are the best option. Depen...

Best Effluent Treatment Plant in Bangladesh
Effluent treatment plants efficiently clean industrial effluents and contaminated water from outlet pipes, reservoirs, r...

Best Non-Clog Sewage Submersible Pump
A sewage pump's function is to transport sewage liquids and solids from one location to another. Sewage (including soft...

Economy Series Water Purifier in Bangladesh
Water is used by every cell in your body. Water circulates through your body, carrying nutrients, oxygen, and waste to a...

Reverse Osmosis Faucet Filter in Bangladesh
Every cell in your body uses water. Water circulates throughout your body, transporting nutrients, oxygen, and wastes to...
What Is a UV Water Purifier and How Does It Work
Human survival depends on water, as does the body's capacity to control temperature and perform other basic functions. I...

What is a Water Purifier and the Side Effects?
Water is essential for human survival, as is the body's ability to regulate temperature and conduct other basic tasks. E...

Indoor pollution and odors are being addressed with ozone generators, which are being advertised as a cost-effective sol...

How to Use Ozone Generator at Home
Ozone generators are being marketed as a cost-effective way to eliminate indoor pollution and odors. However, ozone has...

Vaccuum Truck Suppliers In Bangladesh
Cities frequently use vacuum trucks, also referred as vacuum tankers, to deal with large-scale liquid and sludge clean-u...

Truck Mounted Water Tank Supplier In Bangladesh
Water trucks are dedicated vehicles designed to transport big amounts of water in a safe and efficient manner. They usua...

Building Management System in Bangladesh
Building Management Systems (BMS) are computerized data acquisition and control system systems that monitor and control...

Water Treatment Plant Design Service and Supervision in Bangladesh
Have you ever wondered what happens to the water and garbage that is flushed down the toilet? How about after you've tur...

Container Based Water Treatment Plant in Bangladesh
A containerized mobile waste water treatment plant is a packaged wastewater treatment system that includes all wastewate...

How to Choose an Effective Water Dispenser?
It goes without saying that we can’t exist without water. Clean and purified water is absolutely essential for good and...

Does a Water Dispenser Purify Water?
Water that is clean and hygienic is essential for human health. We all know that our bodies should contain more than 60%...

When To Change Water Filter Cartridge?
Water filter cartridge ; is a tubular filtration equipment which is used in various industries for an array of filtratio...

The reverse of the naturally occurring method of osmosis can be termed as RO grade water or type III water. It is a wate...

How Many Types Of Water Tanks Are There?
A water tank is a container to reserve or store water. The storage of water through water container are used in various...

Plastic water tank is a rapid progress making product which are made of impact-modified, UV- treated, food grade polyeth...

What is a Water Softener and How Does It Work?
Water is crucial for human survival as it is used to the body's ability to control body temperature and execute other bo...

What is a Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant?
Sewage treatment plants are essential parts of our surroundings. They are established to evade garbage and contaminants...

Types of Sewage Treatment Plants
Sewage treatment plants are an important element of our environment. They were built to keep garbage and toxins out of s...

How to Check TDS Level and Ideal TDS Level for Drinking Water
Water is important for human survival as it is used to the body's ability to regulate body temperature and perform other...

What is Containerized Water Treatment Systems?
Water is essential for human survival since it is utilized by the body to regulate body temperature and perform other ph...

How to Choose the Best Water Purifier in Bangladesh
Water is as essential for human beings to survive as it is used by the body to assist control body temperature and maint...

Pumps are the machines that push and circulate fluid inside a system by acting as a driving force. Industrial pumps are...

Drinking, washing, and cooking with clean water is essential for your health. The majority of people now consume chlorin...

Best RO Purifier Review in Bangladesh
There is no doubt that clean and safe drinking water is a basic requirement. Drinking clean water is more than a require...

What are the 7 steps for water treatment?
Pure water is important to maintain a healthy life. Drinking contaminated water can create many health complications and...

How does an Effluent Treatment Plant Work?
Effluent treatment plants are used in industries to purify the wastewater before releasing it into the environment. Gove...

What is an effluent treatment plant?
As the wheel of the industrial revolution kept turning, more and more wastewater was produced. A large number of contami...

What are the differences between STP and ETP?
STP or sewage treatment plants are mainly used by municipalities to eliminate harmful elements from the sewage. ETP or e...

ETP or effluent treatment plants are used in factories to treat the wastewater. These plants make sure that the water is...

Produce Top Level Purified Bottled Water
Sit amet occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspici...

BIRM Media / BIRM Media Supplier/ BIRM Filter Media / BIRM Iron Removal Media
BIRM Media which is Made in USA. Birm Media is an efficient and economical filter media of removing iron and manganese c...

Battery Water Plant in Bangladesh is most profitable business. A new battery should be checked once or twice every 3 mon...

Packaged Sewage Treatment Plant
Packaged Sewage Treatment Plant which is known as Packaged STP. It is an ultra modern technology that wide application i...

Vertical Multistage Centrifugal Pump Working Principle
A centrifugal pump containing more than impellers is called a multistage centrifugal pump. Multistage centrifugal pump...
Bottled Water and Federal Labeling Requirements
Though many people lump "bottled water" into a single category, it is important to note that there are many different ty...

Most Common TDS Found in Water
TDS Meter Supplier in Bangladesh Because water is so effective at dissolving substances, even after filtration methods...

The Liquid Lifeline: Understanding the Vital Role of Water in Our Lives
Water is very important for life. We need water to drink, to wash our hands, to cook, to water plants and many other thi...
History of Water Quality, Purification and Filtration
Water (H2O) is essential to life on Earth and more than two thirds of the planet’s surface is made up of water in its so...
What is water ? It can be uncommon questions to everyone, but we should know it details. Water (H2O) is essential to lif...